Ag, het is alweer bekekun - als niet - verdraait, gij zijt dezelfde (1972)


"Ag, het is alweer bekekun - als niet - verdraait, gij zijt dezelfde" ("It has been looked after - if not - heavens, you are identical") tries to link the cutting up of houses and, indeed, the complete centre of the city of The Hague to the cutting up of looking itself. The premises of the art-academy Psychopolis - The Free Academy (then located at the De Gheynstraat) are the starting point for a journey to a room in a modern and therefore cage-like apartment-building.

Used music: "Bewegende Buizen” opus 459 (2003).

Movie number 08 (1972 / r 2009).

Musisch Wu Wei-Universum, the movie-gallery of the COM Foundation